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Nascent Regulations In A Thriving Industry

South Africa's Digital Commerce Landscape: Navigating Uncharted Territory

Nascent Regulations in a Thriving Industry

The e-commerce realm in South Africa is still in its infancy, and regulations are playing catch-up with the rapid growth. A Deloitte study earlier this year revealed that over 70% of South Africans engage in online shopping.

Consumer Concerns on the Rise

However, a spike in consumer complaints in 2020-21 highlights the need for stronger consumer protection. The Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition has taken action, publishing new regulations that address issues such as delivery delays and fraudulent practices.

Embracing Digital Opportunities

Despite the regulatory challenges, e-commerce presents significant opportunities for businesses and consumers alike. The Premium package digital-only subscription offers a cost-effective entry point for businesses, while consumers benefit from wide product selection and convenience.
